My services

From consulting and data collection to strategy implementation my services can be performed via in-person and telecommunication with/without the supervision of a BCBA. Clients can select packages that each contain a combination of services. (select "Packages" tab above). For further information on any of the services provided please fill out the consultation form (listed under Contact) to inquire

******Before choosing a package I recommend that clients view video discussions of the services. This can be requested through submitting a consultation form

Indirect Assessment

If it is determined that the family would like a functional behavior assessment conducted an indirect assessment/interview would be performed. This assessment can be done either in-person, phone or video.

Direct Observation/Data Collection

As part of a functional behavior assessment direct observation of the target (challenging) behavior is performed. Data collection during the direct observation is performed to obtain the baseline of the behavior. This can be conducted via in-person or video. An in-person visit is highly recommended as that it allows for a clearer observation.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Review School records

Informed consent would enable me to review the child(ren) educational documents . Examples include IEP, IFSP, Psychological evaluations and anecdotal records. This would assist myself and the family to pinpoint the most challenging behaviors and clearly define it in order to accurately collect data

Reinforcement Assessment

Before implementing an intervention, it is essential to determine reinforcers that serve as an incentive for the child(ren) to engage in the replacement behavior. This can be done in the form of a survey with the caregivers, or an in-person visit that consists of me performing the assessment. These services can be performed via in-person or video. It is highly recommended to be performed in-person as that it provides a clearer determination of reinforcers that the child selects as that it is centered around their likes/dislikes.

Training on Evidence Based-Interventions and data collection

Once an Evidence Based-Intervention (EBI) is selected the family would be trained on the strategy/s and on appropriate data collection. In addition, If it is agreed to include a prompting intervention families would also need to be trained on this as well. Training is performed in-person

white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime
Toilet Training

It can be quite difficult to train children who have difficulty with toileting. It can be rather stressful and overwhelming for caregivers. I offer consultation on prerequisite skills in preparation for toilet training. If the child does not have the prerequisite skills, then I offer guidance on what the family can do. If the child has prerequisite skills, then the family is informed on the next steps. This service can be provided via in-person, video or phone.

Review Data Trends

While a child is working on achieving mastery of the replacement behavior it is essential for data to be reviewed every 1-2 weeks to observe trends. Trends help make informed decisions as to if the intervention is working or not and to possibly make any changes. This service can be performed via in person or video.

Group Contingency Strategies

Group contingencies are an Evidence Based-Intervention that are used among groups of people. Families who have more than 1 child (or tend to be in environments where there are more than 1 child) can use this to motivate appropriate behaviors and prompt social interactions. Training can be performed via video, phone or in-person.